
Sunday, 3 November 2013

November News

Dear Parents,
    Thank you for all of the generous donations to the class for our Halloween celebration. The students had a wonderful day and all of the special treats were thoroughly enjoyed. Stay tuned for pictures!

Home Reading-Our home reading program will be starting this week for our sks and shortly after for our jks. Each week your child will come home with 2 or 3 levelled books to read with you and any other family members at home. Please set aside 10 minutes each day to have your child read these books with you. It is best for your child to read every day for a brief periods of time then to only do it a few times a week for a longer amount of time. In your home reading folder you will find some strategies to help you child with their reading as well as a recording sheet so we can keep track of what books your child has taken home already. Jks will exchange their books every Tuesday and sks will exchange their books every Thursday.

Volunteers -We are still looking for some volunteers for our classroom whether it be a parent, grandparent or family friend. We would like help on Tuesdays and Thursdays to assist the children with exchanging their home reading books, as well as volunteers to help on other days with whatever time and skills they are willing to share.  Please contact me if you are interested! It is a great experience for both parents and students.

Math-We are starting a unit on number sense so we will be focusing on writing, reading, comparing and understanding numbers. Please reinforce these skills by counting, looking for numbers in the environment and playing games involving numbers at home.

Social Skills  -As some of you may already know, we have been working with the students on problem solving to develop communications skills with peers. When a problem arises, we are encouraging the children to tell their friends what happened, what they didn't like about it, and how it made them feel. Often children will come to an adult before trying to negotiate with each other. Feel free to encourage these strategies at home as well.

Interviews -Interviews will take place the evening of Thursday November 21st and during the day on Friday November 22nd. We look forward to meeting with all of you during this time. Because there are many families to meet with and only a limited amount of time Thursday night, if you are available to come during the day on Friday please do so. More information about booking times will come out shortly.

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