Christmas in the Meadows -Please submit your response forms by tomorrow (Thursday November 28th) if you are planning on attending.
Socks and Mitts -The children are thoroughly enjoying playing out in the snow at recess. Please send your child with 2 extra pairs of dry socks and an extra pair of dry mittens to ensure their comfort. Often they will get soaked at first recess and we would like them to have a warm dry pair for lunch recess. Please make sure your child is coming with snow pants or splash pants as well.
Morning Drop Off -a supervisor is on duty starting at 8:15 in the kindergarten yard. Please drop your child off sometime between 8:15 and 8:30 in this yard. If you arrive during this time do not bring your child in through the school. If you arrive after 8:30 you must take your child through the front of the school and get a late slip.
Christmas Concert -Our Christmas concert will be on Thursday December 12th at 6:30. The kindergarten classes will be singing 3 songs (Rudolph, Jingle Bells and This Little Light of Mine) which will come home in their Shared Reading folder as we do them in class. Please enjoy practicing these songs with your child at home so they will be comfortable and confident at the concert.
Kindergarten Cares -Your child will come home today with a letter outlining the generosity project we will be taking on. Over the next two weeks we are asking the children to try and earn some small change by doing odd jobs at home to help raise money to buy a toy for a child this Christmas. We are hoping that this project will help the children understand the concept of earning, familiarize them with Canadian coins and also instill an appreciation for how good it can make us feel to help others. Please take the time to read over the information that was sent home and encourage your child to participate. Thank you for your generosity and co-operation.
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