
Sunday, 26 January 2014

Family Literacy Day

Family Literacy Day: Monday January 27th is Family Literacy Day. A letter went home with your child on Friday asking them to come dressed in their pajamas (maybe with some long johns underneath brrrr) and with their favourite book to snuggle up and read. They can also use the sheet that was sent home to try and read to five different family members this week and submit this form to our librarian Mrs. Gammage for a small prize. Looking forward to seeing all the wonderful books tomorrow and hear about all of the reading the kids will be doing at home!

Clothing Reminder: Please double check your child's bag of extra clothing in their backpack to be sure it is seasonally appropriate and still fits your child. Also checking to make sure there are 2 extra pairs of socks would be a good idea as well. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Mystery Object -A letter will be coming home with your son or daughter this week explaining the mystery object show and share we will be doing in January and February. Your child will be assigned a day where they will bring in an object that they would like to share with the class. The class will ask a series of questions to try and guess what the object is. Please do not let your child bring anything that is of great value (sentimental or monetary) in case something unfortunate happens to it at school. If your child forgets to bring the object on their assigned day or happens to be ill they can present the following day. We are sending home a copy of the questions the class will ask so that you can help your child prepare answers in advance. Please let us know if you have any questions about this activity.

Home Reading -Just a reminder to please record the home reading books you have read with your child on the blue tracking sheet in their folder. It makes is easier for me to select books when I know what they have already read. I hope you are enjoying reading with your child and feel free to ask for the books to be exchanged more frequently if you are going through them quickly.

Our artwork and some of our written work is being featured in the display case in the front hall. Feel free to have a look next time you are in the school.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

January News

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful winter break with family and friends! We were happy to be back in the classroom yesterday and with lots of snow to play with in the yard! The students had a great time playing first recess out in the snow (it was too cold at second recess). Just a reminder to send your child with extra mitts and extra socks in case they get wet outside -we want them to be warm and comfortable. I hope everyone is keeping warm and safe today with the wild weather we are having.

Language -Please continue to work with your child on upper and lower case letter recognition as well as producing the sounds the letters make. Once your child has mastered these, practicing sight words is an important next step. Hunting for sight words in books they are reading is a great way for them to practice picking out these words. The words that we have currently covered in class and are up on our word wall are: the,see, to, I, a, on, we, he, she, me, my, at, is, for, you, in, are. Our word wall words for the month of January are and, it, said, they, his, her.

Thank you for reading daily with your children and reading the home reading books provided. Due to the bad weather today, jk home reading books will be changed tomorrow (Wed) for this week. Feel free to write me a note in the communication folder (on the notes to and from home page) if you would like the books exchanged more regularly or on a different day of the week.

Math -We will be starting Geometry this month focusing first on 2D shapes then 3D solids. Feel free to hunt for shapes around your house, and discuss the attributes of each shape (eg. square has 4 equal sides) with your child. We will also work ongoing on number sense and numeration so continuing to work with numbers at home is much appreciated.

Clothing  -Don't forget to label all winter gear (boots, hats, mitts etc.) as a lot of students have the same items and things can easily get lost or mixed up.

A Snowy First Day Back!

We had a great time outside playing in the snow our first day back!


Here are some pictures from before the winter break for you to enjoy!

Rolling some of our hard earned money!

Making Stockings

Staying Warm!

Feeling Festive
Excited to perform

Waiting for Show Time!

Christmas Sweater Day



In our pjs!