
Monday, 23 June 2014

Teddy Bear Picnic

We will be having a Teddy Bear Picnic on Wednesday during our regular lunch time. Please pack a litterless lunch for  your child as we will be outside (Thursday if it is raining) and help them choose a teddy bear to bring. We will be eating outside on blankets with the other two kindergarten classes.

Grad Thank you!

A big thank you goes out to all the parents who brought food for our graduation ceremony on Friday and also to Mrs. Martherus for all of her hard work drumming and singing with our class to get them ready. They did an AMAZING performance! A final thank you to all of the families who came to watch and help us celebrate, it was a very special day for our SKs!

Monday, 16 June 2014

Parent Volunteers

We are fortunate enough to have Scientists in the Schools coming in on Tuesday June 24th to do a session with the class. We are looking for parent volunteers to come at 8:15am and stay until noon (at the latest) to help with this excellent program. Please let me know if you are available.
Thank you!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Twisters Date Change

Due to the weather, Track and Field (Play Day for kindergarten) has been moved to next Tuesday. Because of this switch, we will now be going to Twisters on Monday June 16th instead. Please complete the yellow permission form that went home with your child and send it to school by Friday to give permission for them to go on the new date. Thank you!

Monday, 2 June 2014

Arts Day -Nature art 

Drumming in the Library

Our worm farm!

Drumming with Mrs. Martherus

A new friend at the pond

Looking for shapes in the clouds

Library books/Home Reading

Library Books are due back to the school Tuesday June 10th so please ensure all books are returned by this date. Also, this week will be the last week that home reading books will be exchanged. They are all due back to the classroom Tuesday June 10th for JKs and Thursday June 12th for SKs.
Thank you for your co-operation!

Sunday, 25 May 2014


Sandbox fun! We took our measurement unit outside and used the
sandbox to help us determine how many scoops of sand goes in a bucket
and which scoop holds the most sand. 

What do we see in the sky?

At the pond

Music with Mrs. Martherus -Experimenting with the percussion family

A Windy Day -Using our Wind Wands